Advent time in Příbram

There are three Advent gatherings before Christmas and a surprise on Golden Sunday, which this year falls right on Christmas Eve.

Programme of Advent Sundays

On Bronze Sunday, December 10, we will gather at J. A. Alice Square for an afternoon of performances by the Březové Hory Elementary School Choir, Codex Temporis, Roofers, Dušnická sedma, the Children's Soul Choir and the Bacha Baby group.

The programme of Silver Sunday on 17 December will be prepared on 17 November Square. The Hokus Pokus choir will perform there. You can look forward to a Christmas fairy tale, performances by pupils of the Rožmital ZUŠ, a concert Christmas on the Orbital Railway, markets and angels on stilts. As the organizers say, don't forget to bring a sparkler, again there will be a group photo with as many lit sparklers as possible.

On Golden Sunday, Christmas Eve, a shepherd's carriage will be driving through the streets of the city from 10am to 1pm.

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Open stage on 17 November Square

During the week of December 18 - 22, 2023, the Open Stage in 17 November Square will host daily musical performances tuned to Christmas melodies and tones. Among the performers are Kuba Ročňák, the Kamýcký choir "Flétníček", Astoria Brass and others. The programme can be found here:

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Letterbox for Santa Claus

This year, a letter box for Santa Claus is installed in the 17th November Square to collect wishes and joys of children during the Christmas season. Every little letter or picture that the children put in the box becomes a magical message for Santa Claus himself.

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A letter from Santa Claus

You can surprise the children with a greeting from Santa Claus. Just download the version for a little girl or boy, print it out, add a name and you have a lovely pre-Christmas treat for the children.

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Opening hours of the stalls on 17 November Square and T. G. Masaryk Square

Stalls selling Christmas goods and refreshments will be open on 17 November Square as follows:

- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 13.00 - 20.00

- Thursday 08.00 - 20.00

- Saturday-Sunday 10.00 - 20.00
(including 27-30 December)

- New Year's Eve 10.00 - 01.00

At T. G. Masaryk Square you can stop by the stand for a snack or tea at these times:

- Monday-Sunday 15.00-19.00

- Christmas Eve 11.00-16.00

- 1st and 2nd Christmas Day 15.00-19.00

- New Year's Eve 16.00-01.00

  • On Wednesday, December 20, from 5 p.m., there will be a Christmas party at the A. Dvořák's Theater, a festive concert of the pupils of Primary Art School, Příbram I, nám. T. G. Masaryk 155. Soloists, chamber ensembles, choir and pupils of the literary-dramatic branch will perform.
  • The Waldorf School Příbram invites you to a concert called Christmas Eve has come - Czech and European Christmas songs performed by the vocal-instrumental ensemble of period instruments Chairé under the direction of Josef Krček. The concert will take place on December 20 in the hall of the WŠ.
  • The third concert will conclude the "Advent of Advent" at Svatá Hora. It will feature the Vepřek Mixed Choir, K. Falcníková - soprano, J. Tůma - organ. It will be on Wednesday, December 20.
  • On Thursday 21 December at 6 p.m. the teachers of the Waldorf School Příbram will perform the Christmas playabout the birth of the Lord.
  • On Friday 22/12 at 18.00 the Scouts will bring theBethlehem Light to the Holy Mountain as every year . Accompanying programme for children will be prepared by the Příbram Scout Troops. Starting at 6 pm in the Basilica. The Bethlehem Light will be available in the corner Prague Chapel until the end of the calendar year.
  • The Příbram Big Band will also perform its two traditional concerts. The soloists will be a new face, singer Patrik Šudák and Kateřina Tošnarová. The children's choir Canzonetta will also be present, and a new choir called Canzone, made up of former graduates of children's choirs, will also make an appearance. All this thanks to the choirmaster Jaroslava Kunicka - Halamova. The concerts will take place on 22 and 23 December in Theatre A. Dvořák.
  • Thepre-Christmas singing in the basement of St. Hora will be on December 23rd at 6 pm. Members of the group Random Gathering will play and sing.

There will be a nice festive programme on Christmas Eve too.

  • Did you know that IS NOT ANativity Scene and that nativity scenes are not just built with Christmas scenes? On Svatá Hora, you can see the annual exhibition of nativity scenes in the Mníšek Chapel and, of course, visit the Svatá Hora nativity scene in the Chapel of St. Ignatius. This year, however, the offer has been enriched by two additional exhibitions: the exhibition The Life of Jesus Christ, which consists of a selection of the extensive work of the Příbram carver Václav Král, and an exhibition of non-traditional nativity scenes at the so-called Summer Choir. All of the above-mentioned exhibitions are part of the project Nativity scenes from the cellar to the attic, which will take place on a single day: onSunday 24 December 2023 from 1 to 4 pm.
  • It will be a Golden Sunday and from 10am to 1pm a carriage with a shepherd will pass through the town. Route: Žežice; Brodská - Centre for Social and Health Services; Březové Hory - J. A. Alis Square; Březové Hory - Senior Citizens' Home; Žežická - Senior Citizens' Home; 17 November Square; T. G. Masaryk Square; Svatá Hora.
  • Do you like the Czech Christmas Mass by J. J. Ryba? Then come to the "Midnight" Mass at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve at Svatá Hora. Members of the Pribram choirs will sing.

Christmas holidays

  • "Singing at the Manger" with organ accompaniment will be held in the Basilica of the Holy Mountain on Monday, Dec. 25 at 2 p.m. Hymnals will be available. St. Mary's organists will be playing. Other dates are December 26, 2023 and January 1, 2024 at the usual times.
  • Thetraditional Christmas concert will also be presented by the Mister Jakoubek Chamber Choir from Stříbro. It will be on Tuesday, December 25, at 5 p.m. in the choir room at Birch Mountains.
  • On Tuesday 26 December, a concert of music by J. S. Bach, A. Piazzolla, etc. is prepared for you at Svatá Hora. Yoshimi Oshima, Jaroslav Tůma.

And what a Christmas it would be if we didn't go to see the nativity scenes.

  • The exhibition will offer historical and contemporary nativity scenes from the Pribram region. The core of the exhibition consists of valuable historical nativity scenes from the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century, representing examples of the work of miners from Příbram and its surroundings. They will be on display until 7 January 2024.
  • The cribs will also be on display at Svatá Hora from 22 December to 1 January.

How will we say goodbye to 2023?

  • The congregation of Master Jakoubek of Stříbro will say goodbye at 9.00 a.m. with a service and thanksgiving for the year 2023.
  • Holy Mountain will have a Mass on Dec. 31 to close the civic year, starting at 10:30 p.m. This will be followed by a presentation of what has been happening at St. Mount over the past year and then a toast with fireworks on St. Mount's Square. Other Masses at 7.30am, 9.00am, 11.00am and 3.30pm.
  • Also on the last day of the year, you can go to Příbram Theatre. At 3 p.m., a performance of Play it Again, Sam will take place on the Small Stage. On the Big Stage, the performance Liars will start at 6 pm.

And if you can't choose from this selection, check out the Calendar of Events, where you'll find lots of information about other events.

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