Maková hora – pilgrimage site

Maková hora (Poppy Seed Hill) is located on a forested hill over the village of Smololety which is 17 km far from Příbram. A pilgrimage church of St. John the Baptist and Our Lady of Mount Carmel is located on the top of the hill. The church is an importa..

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Otevírací doba

Bohoslužby ve farním kostele sv. Jana Křtitele a Panny Marie Karmelské Maková hora, jsou slaveny od května do října včetně. Dle informací farnosti se každou třetí neděli v měsíci od 14:00 slouží na Makové hoře Mše svatá.


Osobní automobil zaparkujete na parkovišti u hřbitova, které je od kostela vzdáleno necelých 500 metrů.


Římskokatolická farnost Maková-Smolotely
Slivice 73
262 31 Milín
Web Makové hory:

Maková hora – pilgrimage site

Distance from Příbram: 17 km       GPS: 49.6167958N, 14.1480544E

Maková hora (Poppy Seed Hill) is located on a forested hill over the village of Smololety which is 17 km far from Příbram. A pilgrimage church of St. John the Baptist and Our Lady of Mount Carmel is located on the top of the hill. The church is an important pilgrimage site and one of the greatest examples of High Baroque architecture sensitively placed within the landscape.

Masses on Maková hora are held every third Sunday in a month from 14.00 as the Holy Mass. Marian Saturdays take place since May to November every first Saturday of the months from 10.00 as worship and as a Holy Mass from 11.00.

Masses are also held during Easter, Christmas, on Makovská pouť and New Year’s Eve.


More information on the website: 



Municipal Office Smolotely

Smolotely 21

262 63 Kamýk n. Vltavou

Telephone: +420 318 694 226


