Convent building and Jirásek Gardens

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Among the original ecclesiastical buildings is the former so-called New Archbishop's Convent in the French Neo-Renaissance style from 1892, the work of architect Vojtěch Ignác Ullmann and his collaborator and relative Bedřich Münzberger.


Convent building Jiráskovy sady 113 261 01 Příbram I


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Jiraskovy sady Fibichova

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The house is a textbook example of High Historicism with abundant use of pure Neo-Renaissance style elements. From 1922 to 1946, apart from the Nazi occupation, the convent housed the rectorate of the Mining College in Příbram, then in 1946-50 the building was used again by the archbishop's convent and subsequently until 1990 by the district national committee and briefly by the district office. The chapel was destroyed during insensitive modifications. At present, the St. Elizabeth College of Health and Social Work is located here.

The town orchards were established in the mid-19th century. The main chestnut avenue served as the town promenade and concerts were held in the wooden gazebo at the end of the avenue, especially in the late 19th century. In 1921 the orchards were named after Alois Jirásek. A sandstone statue by the Příbram sculptor Václav Šára from 1938 is dedicated to his work.

The avenue is flanked by the buildings of the Příbram educational institutes. The former orphanage and nursing home (No. 115) dates back to 1888-91, the Neo-Renaissance building No. 113 from 1881-82 housed a real grammar school until 1949, today it houses the Secondary Medical School and the Higher Vocational School of Health. The neo-Baroque building of the primary school was built in 1906 -1908 for the needs of the state secondary school.