Karel Hail (1819-1893)

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Karel Hail was born on 25th April 1819 in Český Krumlov. His father served as an artillery sergeant, and the family often had to move. At the age of 13, he began his studies to become a buyer and during his business trips, he fell in love with Příbram where he rented a shop in Fioronovský house nearby city centre in 1844. Later there was a chemistry U Bílého Lva located on the same place. He established shop and the liquer and chocolate factory in Plzeňská Street. He soon joined cultural life in the city and in the revolution year of 1848, he joined the Příbram guard. In 1850 he was elected councillor and in 1853 became Rifle Corps Commander. In 1857 he became postmaster.

In 1862 he was one of the founding members of gymnastics organisation Sokol in Příbram and throughout a year he became honorary chairman of many associations of Příbram. During 1863-1864 and 1867-1893 he worked as chairman of the city council. In 1864 he became district council and its chairman from 1867 to 1893.

As a chairman of the local school board and member of the school board, he participated in establishment of schools - grammar school, teaching institute, and helped to build an orphanage, poorhouse and enforced building of the modern hospital. The city centre became more representative during his service, a new representative building of Savings Bank and City hall was built. He was so generous that he even donated part of his mayor's salary to poor children. He died on 22nd June 1893.


Horymír 1893. Josef Velfl: Příbram v průběhu staletí. Příbram 1998.

Author: PhDr. Věra Smolová, ředitelka SOA Příbram